- Almost any Diesel car sold in Australia in the last decade including your has factory reduced performances. Reasons behind this fact are multiple and we have explained them in a dedicated article.
- Original ECU (Engine Control Unit) setup reduces Torque and Power by 15% to 25%.
- Torque is a crucial asset for a diesel engine as it can generates a huge amount of "pull" and tow force at low RPM mainly. A petrol engine is completely different as it gives more "pull" and tow force at higher RPM where power output is maximised and this because a petrol engine does not have much torque.
- An engine burns more fuel at higher RPM. That's why a diesel engine consumption is overall lower than a petrol engine.
As you certainly noticed, your become significantly slower when your Air Conditioning is on this because an AirCon system needs power to run and that power is provided by the engine.
Many drivers feel frustrated while driving with their AirCon on when a simple overtake can easily become a nightmare and a full throttle is a natural reaction when they feel their is not capable to perform as they expected.
This because a diesel engine is meant to deliver a strong "pull" and tow force at middle ranges (2000-4000RPM) even on a full throttle the car is not capable to complete an overtake if driving on a gently sloping road with a medium load onboard.
This will incur in unsafe driving conditions and much more fuel consumption.
Our ECU Remap gives to your an extra HP of power and of extra torque (NM), so a much more responsive and safer car.
If its true that more Torque gives more "pull" and tow force, its true that less throttle is needed to move your vehicle, so we burn less fuel overall.
We estimate an average of litres of fuel saved every 40.000km driven with your .
A close estimate features an average of kg of Co2 reduction in the atmosphere every 40.000 km for your after our ECU Remap.